We believe that each child is a rising star in the world of reading, and we want to encourage them to reach for the stars as they launch their reading journey.
Reading opens a new galaxy for kids, and we want them to know that wherever they are—as a Stellar Starter at Ready-to-Go!, a Rising Star at Pre-Level One, a Star at Level One, a SuperStar at Level Two, or a Mega Star at Level Three—they are all reading stars.
Nothing will get kids more excited about reading than a great, engaging story. And who better to shine a spotlight on the world of reading than the stars kids already know and love? That’s why the Ready-to-Read list features the characters that kids want to read about:
● Stars from television and movies like Daniel Tiger, PJ Masks, Peanuts, Chico Bon Bon, and CoComelon.
● Stars from our classic books like Katy Duck by Alyssa Satin Capucilli, Click, Clack Moo from Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin, David Carter’s Bugs, and The World of Eric Carle.
● Familiar stars from our Ready-to-Reads like Henry and Mudge, Annie and Snowball, Pinky and Rex, and the students at Robin Hill School.
● Rising stars that kids will quickly fall in love with: Hamster Holmes, Interrupting Cow, and The Adventures of Otto.
● We also launch new series from popular authors like Jane Yolen, Marilyn Singer, Eric Seltzer, Jason Tharp, and Patricia Lakin.
● Don’t forget to check out some of our nonfiction Ready-to-Read series: History of Fun Stuff, Science of Fun Stuff, Secrets of American History, the Living In… books as well as You Should Meet, If You Love…, GameDay!, Super Facts for Super Kids, and Our Universe series.
Launch beginning readers on their graphic novel reading adventure!
Ready-to-Read Graphics books are leveled readers inspired by traditional graphic novels and tailored for kids beginning their reading journey. Every Ready-to-Read Graphics book includes:
● A how-to guide to reading graphic novels
● Pages that mimic traditional graphic novels with easy-to-follow panels and speech bubbles
● Accessible vocabulary to build reading confidence
● Compelling stories and characters to keep young readers engaged
● Fresh, engaging illustrations that provide context and promote visual literacy
● The levels on the Ready-to-Read Graphics books correspond to those on the standard Ready-to-Reads