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Kimberly Laws
Assistant Editor
Kimberly joined Gallery Books in 2021. With a lifelong love for books across genres, in fiction she is drawn to horror projects, particularly within the subgenres of gothic, supernatural, psychological, cosmic, and folk. She has lots of love for works that explore themes of female rage, trauma, grief, and relationships to the human body. Bonus points for talking animals, humor, and monsters—human or otherwise! She also loves speculative novels with dark, and/or romantic elements (The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is an all-time favorite!). For nonfiction, she is interested in humorous and creative essay collections, especially from comedians or writers who offer fresh social commentaries, as well as memoirs. She has a tendency to gravitate toward: anything that activates her fascination with the dark and macabre and meditations on sexuality, beauty, identity, psychology, and sociocultural issues—most especially if a work combines any of these elements with humor and brutal honesty.