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Jill Siegel
Executive Publicist
Prior to joining Gallery Books as Executive Publicist in December 2021, Jill was President of JSPR, where she specialized in literary and entertainment publicity and was the personal publicist for such beloved figures as Muhammad Ali and Leonard Nimoy. Jill’s # 1 New York Times bestselling book campaigns include Susannah Cahalan’s Brain on Fire and Drs. Mehmet Oz and Michael Roizen’s YOU: On A Diet, which at time of publication became the fastest selling title in Simon & Schuster’s history. Other notable bestsellers include Sally Jenkins’ The Right Call,  Erin Napier’s Heirloom Rooms, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Bibi,  Amy Odell’s Anna Wintour biography Anna, Aravind Adiga’s Booker Prize–winner The White Tiger, Andrew McCarthy’s The Longest Way Home, Debbie Nathan’s Sybil Exposed, Peter Bergen’s The Longest War, Marci Shimoff’s Love For No Reason, Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Infidel, David Talbot’s Brothers, Dr. Michael Roizen’s Real Age, Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson’s When Elephants Weep, Noah Adams’ Piano Lessons, the movie tie-in of Elmore Leonard’s Get Shorty, Mika Brzezinski and Diane Smith’s Obsessed, Judy Melinek & T.J. Mitchell’s Working Stiff, Annabelle Gurwitch’s I See You Made an Effort, and many more. Jill began her career at Harper Collins, held senior positions at Dell Publishing and Free Press, and was a publicity advisor for the TED Fellows program.